Portfolio Artifact IV

Apache2 Webserver

One of my courses over the fall semester of 2022 has been OSYS3030 - Linux Server Administration. In it we have worked with
been given a choice of distros (I have used Ubuntu Server) to use, and multiple services and packages to install and run on it.
I have installed DHCP, DNS, and others. However, liekly the most interesting was Apache2. With this we were able to create our own
private web server. This was relatively simple to do, and significantly more straightforward and more secure than
to have accomplished the same task using Microsoft IIS (which I ahve more experience with).

Resultant Website

The website accessible by name, but only over port 8088. This must be specified in-browser as there is no routing protocol in
place to port-forward port 8088 requests back to port 80.
